CLOSING THE GAP: Insights of PALM Corps’ World Breastfeeding Week Celebrations

According to the Uganda Demographic and Health Survey (UDHS) 2022, only 6 out of 10 Ugandan children under six months of age are exclusively breastfed, with the rate dropping to 35% among children aged 4-5 months. For infants under two months, 84% are exclusively breastfed, while some receive breast milk with plain water or no other liquids.

PALM Corps, in partnership with  Action Against Hunger (ACF) and DanChurchAid (DCA) is actively participating in the World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) celebrations (an event to be held in Imvepi, Bidibidi and Lobule refugee settlements). Through the efforts of our care group volunteers, we have successfully executed several key activities to ensure a memorable and impactful commemoration.

A practice session of PALM Corps particpants (young mothers) for the World Breastfeeding week in Omugo refugee settlement

The celebrations for Bidibidi are set to take place on 8th August 2024 at Barakala Primary School in Barakala Sub-county. In preparation, we have held several meetings with nutrition partners and the District Health and Nutrition Department to coordinate our efforts and streamline the event’s activities. The official launch of WBW for Bidibidi and Lobule refugee settlement took place at the District Headquarters on 6th August 2024, which marked the beginning of a week dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of breastfeeding.

A VHT in Bidibidi refugee settlement taking measurement of a baby during a practice session.

To bring real-life experiences to the forefront, we recorded 16 testimonies from nutrition program participants, highlighting their successes with recommended breastfeeding practices. These testimonies, recorded in local languages for better community understanding, will be played on public address systems during the event and within the community, ensuring widespread reach and impact.

Participants during a drama recording and practice session in Omugo refugee settlement

In addition to these testimonies, we are preparing engaging drama shows for the celebration day to entertain and educate attendees. PALM Corps nutrition department staff will also participate in a radio talk show on Radio Pacis in Arua on 6th August 2024, from 7 PM to 8 PM, discussing “Closing Breastfeeding Support for All.” This talk show aims to further disseminate information and encourage community support for breastfeeding.

To continuously enhance community awareness, we have scripted and will record spot messages on breastfeeding and other MIYCAN practices. These messages will play a crucial role in promoting improved nutrition practices and outcomes. On the day of the commemoration, our Nutrition Assistants will conduct nutrition screenings at a designated corner for all attendees, ensuring that the event also addresses immediate nutritional needs.

By celebrating World Breastfeeding Week with our partners (DCA, ACF, WHH, & WFP), we aim to improve community nutrition practices and outcomes, ensuring a healthier future for our children. Join us in this important endeavor as we work together to support and advocate for breastfeeding.

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